Identification and Conceptualization of Coopetition's Antecedents for Market Entry in the Iranian ICT Industry

Document Type : Based on PhD Thesis


1 alzahra university

2 Tarbiat Modares University.

3 Alzahra university


Competitive cooperation has emerged in response to the challenges facing organizations entering today's turbulent markets. This type of cooperation carries many risks, so it needs to examine from different dimensions. The purpose of this study is to identify the drivers and factors that cause stubborn competitors to enter the market to cooperate with each other. For this purpose, Iran's Information and Communication Technology Industry studied and using the Multi-grounded Theory Strategy to analyze the data obtained from the systematic survey of the literature review in the last 15 years and interviewed 16 experts. This industry has been addressed, which were selected unofficially and purposefully using the snowball method. Finally, the developed model, which is the stimulus for competitive cooperation to enter the Iranian information and communication technology market, divided into four groups: "perceptual benefits from competitive cooperation", "macro stimuli", "industry characteristics" and "competence". Organizational concepts developed.


Main Subjects

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